April Goals

2nd April 2015

april goals - southern fried soprano

Sorry, y’all, but I just refuse to post on April 1st out of principle, so welcome to April 2nd, where I will now tell you about the goals I have for the rest of the month! I know you’re excited.

How’d I do for March?

Goals for March:

1. Read at least two books (I’m a book ahead of my overall goal for 2015, so I’d like to keep this up!) // I managed to read one book, which I really loved, and I started another. I’ll call that a win!
2. See one movie in a cinema // Nope. Still haven’t seen a movie in 2015, honestly…. whoops?
3. Give a confident, well-prepared, passionated, joyful audition in Philadelphia. // This I can say, without a doubt, I did. 🙂
4. No email after 7PM. // I would say I was very good about this until the end of the month, when things sort of.. went wonky. But it was relatively successful and considering what an email-obsessive demon I was prior to challenging myself, I’m pretty pleased.
5. Send at least 5 postcards/letters. // Oh man, did I do this. I love sending mail!
6. Be mindful of my spending. // This could have gone better than it did.
7. Be intentional with my eating. // Nope. I sort of forgot I was going to do this at all.
8. Unplug for an hour everyday. // I was doing so well on this. And then I wasn’t. Um.
9. Get one new aria to presentable level. // I didn’t learn anything NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW, but I’m feeling very confident about my newest repertoire. So!

April Goals

1. Read at least one more book.
2. Write at least 5 letters.
3. Save $50. (This is really small, but..)
4. Stick with my eating plan.
5. Go. To. A. Movie. GO TO A MOVIE.

What are your goals for April?