June Goals

30th May 2015


Another month gone! The past thirty days have been packed with a lot of singing and growth.

They’ve also been packed with a lot of fatigue, a nasty upper respiratory virus that I’m only now getting over, and a little bit of General Malaise™.

Not too get too vulnerable with you, Internet, but I find myself feeling more than a little overwhelmed. I feel like there are all these things I want to do–these ideas swirling in my head, ready for me to accomplish–and at the end of the day I feel like I’m too tired to do them.

I feel like I’m not accomplishing much, though I know that’s not true. I know I’ve done a lot. But I’m not being kind enough to myself about it.

So, rather than review how I did on my goals for May (though at quick glance, it seems like I did pretty okay), I’m going to set just one goal for June:

Be kind. To myself, to others.

Just be kind. Give grace to get grace. Give myself the benefit of the doubt. Give others a little leeway.

I know what needs to be done in other areas of my life. I am just going to set this one thing for June. Kindness. It takes gumption to be kind.