hello! from the other side of my blog!

Where I Am

19th December 2015

Hello. It’s me. I was wondering after all these months if you’d like to meet. To go over everything.


Hello from the other side of my blogging silence.

hello! from the other side of my blog!

Do y’all know how many times I’ve wanted to sit down and write over the last four months?

The answer is… a lot. And I would sit down, open my computer, and think about all the things I wanted to say about all the things that have happened since August. Since school began. Since I left Arkansas and found myself alone with a dog 450.1 miles away from home.

And then I would get overwhelmed with all those things, with all the happenings, with all the this and that and mucky miscellany. Where do I even start? Where could I start?

The answer is the ‘beginning,’ but the beginning doesn’t serve any purpose right now. What matters is where I am, not where I’ve been.

So, where am I?

I’m at the end of my first semester of grad school, none the worse for wear–and the end of my first semester as a private instructor of voice, which is pretty cool, when I see it all typed out like that!

I feel like I’m just now beginning to crack the nut of the weirdness that’s been my singing for the past two years (not to get Too Heavy™ on y’all in my first post back, but I’m nothing if not an Oversharer on the Internet). If you’re thinking to yourself, “…. shouldn’t you have figured that out already?”, don’t worry…

Fun fact about singers: we’re always figuring out our singing. The day I stop figuring things out about me and my voice is the day that I should probably just become a plumber.

I hope in the next couple of weeks to share with y’all a little bit more on what’s been happening, what I’m doing, and where I’m going, but I had to break the ice somehow.

Hello, from the other side. It’s actually pretty nice over here. Y’all should join me.